Views can provide advantages over tables:
- Views can represent a subset of the data contained in a table
- Views can join and simplify multiple tables into a single virtual table
- Views can act as aggregated tables, where the database engine aggregates data (sum, average etc) and presents the calculated results as part of the data
- Views can hide the complexity of data; for example a view could appear as Sales2000 or Sales2001, transparently partitioning the actual underlying table
- Views take very little space to store; the database contains only the definition of a view, not a copy of all the data it presents
- Depending on the SQL engine used, views can provide extra security
- Views can limit the degree of exposure of a table or tables to the outer world
Just as rows in a base table lack any defined ordering, rows available through a view do not appear with any default sorting. A view is a relational table, and the relational model defines a table as a set of rows. Since sets are not ordered - by definition - the rows in a view are not ordered, either. Therefore, an order byclause in the view definition is meaningless. The SQL standard does not allow an ORDER BY clause in a subselect in a CREATE VIEW statement, just as it is not allowed in a CREATE TABLE statement. However, sorted data can be obtained from a view, in the same way as any other table - as part of a query statement. In Oracle 10g, a view can be created with an ORDER BY clause in a subquery.
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