Broadly, query languages can be classified according to whether they are database Query languages or information retrieval query language Examples include:
- .QL is a proprietary object-oriented query language for querying relational databases;
- Common Query Language (CQL) a formal language for representing queries to information retrieval systems such as web indexes or bibliographic catalogues.
- Concept-Oriented Query Language (COQL) is used in the concept-oriented model (COM). It is based on a novel data modeling construct, concept, and uses such operations as projection and de-projection for multi-dimensional analysis, analytical operations and inference.
- D is a query language for truly relational database management systems (TRDBMS);
- DMX is a query language for Data Mining models;
- Datalog is a query language for deductive databases;
- ERROL is a query language over the Entity-relationship model (ERM) which mimics major Natural language constructs (of the English language and possibly other languages). It is especially tailored for relational databases;
- Gellish English is a language that can be used for queries in Gellish English Databases [1], for dialogues (requests and responses) as well as for information modeling and knowledge modeling;
- ISBL is a query language for PRTV, one of the earliest relational database management systems;
- LDAP is an application protocol for querying and modifying directory services running over TCP/IP.
- MQL is a cheminformatics query language for a substructure search allowing beside nominal properties also numerical properties;
- MDX is a query language for OLAP databases;
- OQL is Object Query Language;
- OCL (Object Constraint Language). Despite its name, OCL is also an object query language and a OMG standard.
- OPath, intended for use in querying WinFS Stores;
- Poliqarp Query Language is a special query language designed to analyze annotated text. Used in the Poliqarp search engine;
- QUEL is a relational database access language, similar in most ways to SQL;
- SMARTS is the cheminformatics standard for a substructure search;
- SPARQL is a query language for RDF graphs;
- SQL is a well known query language for relational databases;
- SuprTool is a proprietary query language for SuprTool, a database access program used for accessing data in Image/SQL (TurboIMAGE) and Oracle databases;
- TMQL Topic Map Query Language is a query language for Topic Maps;
- XQuery is a query language for XML data sources;
- XPath is a language for navigating XML documents;
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